dad hats ·
fun hat designs ·
greeting card designs ·
hat designs ·
new card designs ·
new products ·
super soft tshirts ·
t-shirts ·
Hey Friends! I am super excited by the launch of our new products. We are launching hats & tees for the first time in four years, as well as 7 new card designs. The hats and tees are sayings and phrases that I have joked about or said for years, so to finally be able to put them on something I can wear is a dream! One of my favorite parts about the new tees is they are SUPPPER SOFT! No crunchy t-shirt action happening over here! For our new cards, I really focused-in on animals, specifically cats and dogs. Living by myself with two dogs I definitely know how much "man's best friend" can mean to us. They have such funny personalities that leave me scratching my head and wondering if they are actually humans. They love, get jealous, love food, comfort us when we are sad; I CAN'T IMAGINE life without my pups. I hope you enjoy our newest launch of products as much as I do! XO, Kristen

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