National Puppy Day!
With today being National Puppy Day we felt it necessary to share some of our favorite ThimblePet puppy photos. If you have a pet that is house trained and gets along with humans and other pets, team members are encouraged to bring their four-legged friends to work. We think it makes for a happier work environment. I'm sure there are studies that say so, right? So with all these fur-babies up at the studio, you can images how many photo shoots we capture them in or create just for them. Over the years we have amassed quite a library of Thimblepet photos, so it was hard to choose but we selected a handful of our favorite puppy photos to share with you today! I hope you enjoy and if you have a puppy (or cat) at home or work, make sure to give them a big hug and kiss today! Happy National Puppy Day!

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