E.E. Cummings Stole our Heart!

Hey Friends!

Today on the blog, we are spotlighting one of our top selling small prints, the E.E Cummings Letterpress Print!

Cummings' poem, "I carry your heart with me," is about deep, profound love, the kind that can keep the stars apart and that can transcend the soul or the mind. How absolutely beautiful is that? We fell in love with this immediately and we knew we had to design a print from this amazing poet's quote!

The poem is easily read, easily spoken, and easily understood by people of all ages. So it's the perfect gift. The poem could almost be called a sonnet. It has nearly the right number of lines in nearly the right combination. But, typical of a Cummings poem, it goes its own direction and does so with great effect (that's what we love most about this quote!!!)

With it being a standard 8 x 10 size, it's so easy to pop into a white or gold wall frame!

E. E. Cummings' poetry style is unique and highly visual, don't you think? His typographical independence was an experiment in punctuation, spelling and rule-breaking. Thinking about that makes us feel better when we creatively "break the rules."

(image by @kellyshatat)

(image by @inmyclosetblog)

The neon pink letterpress ink makes this print bold and eye catching. We love giving this print as a graduation, wedding or friendship gift. We have loved seeing the photos of it on walls, and the stories that have been shared with us at shows about what this poem personally means to our customers. We've definitely shed a few tears. This print is a great addition to a gallery wall and makes a statement in any room! (see images above!!)

Happy *almost weekend* and Happy Shopping!


Team Thimblepress


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