Friday Finds | House Plants We Love

Summer weekends are made for gardening adventures here in the South, so before you hit up your local Yard & Garden shop this weekend for your plants and potting needs, take a peek at our team's round-up of house plants we love and some inspirational spaces to go with. And, keep on scrolling for images of our favorite plants that live here at our studio!

Cheers to the weekend and happy planting!


IMAGE LINKS: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11

KATE: (1 +2) I think my favorite house plant has to be the Torch Cactus. I have 3 of these babies in my apartment and they are great because they need little attention. Maybe a few soaks here and there and a good clean up and they are good to go. Cats love them too, because they aren't too prickly! And a plant I've always wanted/aspire to have hopefully one day, is a Peruvian Apple Cactus. These guys are awesome, they can grow up to 30ft in the wild and over 3ft in your home. They also bloom white flowers in the summer that open at night when the moon shines. Dreamy!

LIZ: (3 + 4) I love a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree- trendy, but for good reason. And, we love our little aloe plants. Especially in the summertime, these are so handy for sunburns and home remedies.

MARY KATHRYN: (5 + 6) A couple of my favorite house plants are air plant and the Trailing Philodendron. With air plants you do almost nothing, except perhaps a little spritz of water every now and again. No dirt, no planting, no real watering, just simply sitting there being a plant. (This one is from Hinterland Trading on Amazon) Not to mention there are some super cute air plant "homes" online! Glass globes are as little as $5 at shops like Home Goods. The Trailing Philodendron survives with very infrequent watering and no direct sunlight! I have about 4 of these scattered about the house and they really do liven it up a bit with minimal care.

MARIELLE: (7) My favorite has got to be my rosemary - I recently bought a rosemary plant that is sitting on our balcony and I have big plans to keep it alive year round by bringing it indoors this fall/winter. I love my rosemary plant because it inspires me to cook and it adds a nice decor element to our cozy apartment. I also love how the plant makes our whole house smell so fresh!

JOY: (8) I'm a sucker for succulents - the different textures, colors and those juicy leaves and stems! Plus, they're so easy to care for, which is especially important for the botanically challenged - such as myself. I've always kept jade (shown), aloe, and echeveria succulents in the house. The kids and I have made several terrariums using soil, gravel, pebbles, moss, old glass jars/containers and small succulents. And I have been dying to make a living Succulent Wreath. On my to-do list. hmmm... Maybe this summer? :)

LAUREN: (9 + 10) I love the look and shape of the leaves on the baby rubber. It has a unique look as well as being great for pumping out good clean oxygen which acts as an awesome air purifier. I love bamboo palm as well- NASA calls it a natural humidifier. I keep one in my kitchen bedroom and bathroom.

CELINE: I don’t have house plants yet, but when I do, I'll have a snake plant because they are said to purify the air and they seem contained and structured and could add to a room.

BEKAH: We always keep a steady rotation of succulents and cacti about our house as they are so easy to care for and cat friendly, but a plant I've been dying to have is a Monstera Deliciosa. They're big leaves and fun shape make such an impact in a room and give off such a lively feel.

Our Studio Greens:

These are the greens currently inhabiting our studio and we LOVE them! They include many forms of succulents, small Fiddle Leaf Figs and a Banana Tree!

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