Friday Finds | Quality Social Media Images
Our world is so image heavy these days, a recent study says the average American sees over 250 image per day, and we think it's safe to bet our generation is seeing way more than that, so how do you stand out? What makes any image better than another? As a brand putting lots of images out into the world daily, we are always taking hints from images that wow us and absorbing information where we can to hone our craft. We are by no means the expert, but we are always on the hunt for content that can better our social media image sharing skills, so today we thought we'd share some of that content with you, as well as highlight some of our team's favorite Instagram accounts out there that exemplify what we love to see in a good image.
To us (again, no-experts), a great social media image is one that tells a story, evokes emotion, has important or impactful content, uses good lighting, balance and composition, represents YOU and your style, and any or all of these qualities in combination. Every image can't be the VERY best every time in the quick pace world of social media, but we do always try to step back and assess an image on the basis of these qualities, and if we feel good about it, we'll move forward with it. If it lacks all of these qualities, maybe it's not quite worth sharing, for us anyway.

ABOVE: Our current @thimblepress Instagram Feed
We know there are so many styles out there and we LOVE that no one style is correct, but there are definitely some hard and fast rules of thumb to increase the viewers interest and convey a message. Below are a few really awesome articles that we've read and feel like have enriched the way we think about social media images and content creation. Though we always want to share our true selves and the honest happenings of what's up here at Thimblepress® we still want to make sure we do it to the best of our capability and not just push images out into the endless internet universe without thoughtful consideration. Check out some of the articles below for more thought provoking insight and tips into quality content creation:Mobile Photography Tips | Artifact Uprising
Photo Challenge: See Differently | Artifact Uprising
Four Tips for Awesome (Paper) Styling | Nole of Oh So Beautiful Paper
Styling Props on A Budget | My Creative Photography
Have a tip for us or an article or account we should check out for inspiration? Leave us a comment and join the conversation!
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