Mississippi Monday | Brennan White
We are excited, as always, to have our good friend Katie of The Mississippi Experience back to contribute as a guest editor in our Mississippi Monday Series! Today, she's brought us a recent interview and photo sesh with musician, Brennan White of Codetta South.
Read on for the full interview and check out a sample of Brennan's work and where to find him below...
What’s a typical Friday night for you? As of lately, I’ve spent just about every day working on new songs for my album that I’ve been recording. If I’m not doing that, I’m probably rewatching “Good Will Hunting” or “Sleepwalk with me” for the thousandth time.

Mississippi has slowly but surely integrated itself into my music. From what I saw of Nashville, there wasn’t much variety as far as genres go. In Jackson, I can go listen to jazz, blues, indie rock, country, folk, or even hardcore almost any night of the week. I may be wrong, but I don’t think that’s something a person could do as easily in Nashville.
What’s your favorite thing/place about/in Mississippi?
Two things come to mind: The Ross Barnett reservoir and my parents’ lake house in Yazoo. The reservoir has become a very sentimental place for me, as it probably has for a lot of people, and the lake house is pretty off grid so it’s been a great place to escape to when I feel like writing some new songs.
If you could go on one big adventure, what would it be?
Get married, go on a road trip, buy a tiny house, and move to Chattanooga or Franklin - in that order. Obviously, the married part isn’t something a single guy can plan out, so it may just be me making that trip, but that still sounds like the perfect adventure to me.
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Thanks Katie and Brennan!
Learn more about Brennan and his music, and keep up with him in all these places:
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