Mississippi Monday | GumboFest!
GumboFest took place this past weekend at Smith Park in downtown Jackson, MS. Cooking teams from all over created their best gumbo recipes and presented them to a team of judges to determine the "International Gumbo Festival Champion"! This year, Bill's Creole and Steak Depot was the Grand Champion. However, my personal favorite team was the Roux The Hell are We team, because their name is a play on my alma maters football team cheer. :) (Incase you missed it, read last week's Mississippi Monday post HERE about our serious dedication to and love for football season here in MS)
Each tent/cooking team provided free samples served in small cups with a spoon. Seafood gumbo and Chicken and Sausage gumbo were offered. You have to get there early though, because when they run out... they run out!
The event began at 11am and ran until 7pm, with live music throughout the day. A handful of local artisans were out selling crafts and clothing. Beer was also available for purchase, to help cool your mouth after eating so much spicy gumbo and to cool you off in this Mississippi heat! CLICK AN IMAGE BELOW TO ENLARGE:
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