Mississippi Monday | MS State Fair
One of the many many things to love about Fall here in Mississippi is the MS State Fair! There's something for everyone from the foodie to the thriller seeker, the gamer and the animal lover. You can find it all at the Mississippi Fairgrounds for just over a week each October.

For our Thimbleteam, besides the colors and celebratory nature of the fair that pairs so well with our branding, there's an added air of excitement because the Fairgrounds are just one short block away. We can literally see it from the upstairs windows of our shop! So, last week, we took to the streets and walked that one short block to the fair for lunch and our daily dose of fun. Did you know the MS State Fair offers free entree for lunch!? Yes, you heard right. If you fall under the Fair Foodie category, this is prime time! We took advantage of this deal, and as always, the food did not disappoint. A short list of things we tried: chicken on a stick, roasted corn, corn dogs, fried oreos, beignets, ice cream... and the list goes on.

After the feast, two of our Thimbleteam gals, MK and Cristina, took to the stage and did a crash course with the trapeze artists and met the thrill quota for all of us for the afternoon. The rest of us quickly became the boisterous and applauding crowd for their act.

Our last stop was to the petting zoo- the Pygmy goats, y'all... We so badly wished we could have taken one of these guys back up to the shop with us. If you have a chance, take some quarters by this tent and feed these little guys and their furry friends. Have you all been to the MS State Fair yet? What's your favorite part?
Shop the items above with the links below!

Need details or directions to plan your visit? Find more info about the MS State Fair HERE , enjoy, then join the conversation and tell us about your experience! And, view our full photo album from our Fair adventures HERE!
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