Mississippi Monday | Oprah Winfrey

It's Mississippi Monday today on our blog and every so often we love to mention great people, artists, and talent that have come from or have ties to our great state. Today, in honor of our feature 1 year ago in O (The Oprah) Magazine, we are celebrating the lady herself, Oprah Winfrey, born in Kosciusko, Mississippi in 1954!

Below a look at the November issue of O Magazine, and our Thimblepress® Push-Pop Confetti™ on Oprah's O-List of things and products she loves:

11-12-14-OprahMagPress Oprah (originally named Orpah after a biblical figure, fun fact) has been a household name for nearly 30 years, since The Oprah Winfrey Show was first nationally syndicated in 1986 (before many of our ThimbleTeam members were even born)! We grew up seeing her cheerful face, listening to her kind voice and watching her philanthropic gestures our whole lives and we are honored to honor her as a Mississippian. She's a woman that has overcome so many barriers, circumstances and tragedies throughout her life, yet she still stands strong, shares her experiences and most importantly acts as an example to others. She's a bright light and a breath of fresh air in what can often times be a greedy and fake industry. She really is so inspiring and we can't think of someone much better that has represented our state and the state of human kindness in such a grand fashion.

Check out the all new Oprah.com site HERE to view the many outlets and far reach of Oprah these days


Read more about Oprah's history and worldwide impact HERE

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